Sunday, March 14, 2010

Mad about myself

Falling in love with someone is easy. Accepting someone and “adjoin” him/her into your life is difficult. It’s no longer you, yourself anymore. It’s all about “us”.

Once, my colleague told me this… “You really feel down-to-earth when you have your own child/children. You will no longer think for yourself only. In fact, you will try to see the whole picture before you say something or make a decision”.

I always think from falling in love till getting married and living with someone is not easy, at all. There are lots of compromises, considerate, understandings and the most important factors are, accepting and giving with sincerity.

I admit that I am immature when come to disagreement. I focus too much on personal feeling instead of seeing the whole picture. I am too emotional and selfish. I disregard the importance of solving the dilemma together. I agree that turning my back on a problem, it will keep cropping up all over again, and again.

With all these, am I ready to settle down with someone? I always mad about myself when I know all these and yet I'm not doing anything to prevent or solve it... Argh!

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