Friday, September 26, 2008


I hate shifting place but I'd never been "so happy" to move out all my stuffs together with my colleagues & friends before.

We were moving out my stuff + my sister's "trash", all together... erm, already more than 10 cartons, but less than 15, + bags + book rack + etc etc etc, that's amazing, feel like we are moving out the whole house in fact we are just moving out from a room, haha.

Everyone was so co-operative and keep moving things so systematically and we even cracking jokes and laughing down there, just like a bunch of school kids going for camping or trip, hehe..

Anyway, thanks a lot to:-

Anita, Chee Wei, Chipsbon, Fai Kor, Jass, Kai Xiang, Keigo, Ken for helping me and my sis to shift out from hell to heaven.

Thank you !!! Love y'all !!!!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Devil vs Angels

Devil is a natural disaster who “slays” happiness in regardless to whomever near to them. They are destined to bring catastrophe, commit sin, and key opponent to angels.

Why a devil is surrounded by a bunch of angels even though bringing all these abject? Last time, I would call them “beautiful people”; they are not only endowed with goodwill but non-stop giving compassion no matter how they were treated by the devil. Now, I call them “guardian angels”.

Thank you for loving me, for the good or bad.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


我有两个好朋友 – Ms. Hot Temper (she’s really hot, yeah) & Mr. Impatient (he’s really impatient, don’t play play). 他们从小看着我长大,我快乐不快乐他们都会陪在我身边。我们就好象“好姐妹”,从不分离。无论发生什么事,他们都会站在我那边,无时无刻“保护”我。

当我长大了,我的“玩伴”不之他们俩个了。这些好朋友都觉得我所谓的“好姐妹”都是不好的,教我不开心就发泄出来,不要收在心里 – 我的坏脾气就是重那边学来的。


没有Ms. Hot Temper & Mr. Impatient, 我今天就做不成“大小姐”了。。哈哈哈。

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hide & Seek

When we were a child, we play hide & seek.
When we are an adult, we still playing hide & seek.

Children playing hide & seek is to have fun.
Adult playing hide & seek is to aviod from seeing each other, oh.. how saddening.

Recently someone is playing hide & seek with me, which I think unnecessary and foolish for an unreasonable reason which makes me feel freaking sickening & irritated.

Love can be great, but... if you're using the wrong way, it can annihilate your mind and causing you act illogically.

Good luck.

Friday, September 5, 2008

I Love You

My cute mummy... "I Love You, Mum!!!"

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Although recently I'm going through an unhappy incident, yet... still many friends stood by me and my sister.

I sincerely thank for all of you for lending us a hand is whatever way possible.. Thank you so much.
Love y'all !!