Monday, April 4, 2011


Indeed, I start to hate Sundays! I couldn't fall asleep in the night when my mind has automatically start thinking about works. I start to twist and turn, keep changing sleeping positions, adjusting the pillows, the blanket is so thick and hot under the fan, some "commotion" and I can stay awake for couple of hours till almost time to wake up - 6am! Yesterday was 1 of the worst Mondays I've ever had! I slept at 10pm and woke up at 12am.. insomnia till 3am+, almost fell asleep but got waken up again... keep trying to sleep till 5am++, rested for a while till 6am and prepare going to work! I was like soaring in the air instead of walking on the ground. I thought I was going to die, like my energy has been sucked out.. a body without a soul. I went to bed before 10pm yesterday and.... ta da!!!!!!!! I'm fully charged today! HuHuHu~~~ BUT GONNA BE DRAINED SOON BY WORKS!!! #@$%&*+

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