Friday, June 12, 2009


"Tell me what are my shortcomings?"
How are you gonna answer if someone asks you this?
To tell the truth or just answer perfunctorily?

Well, I seldom ask people this question because I know myself very well, I know what are my "imperfections" deep inside me =P But most importantly, I like to listen to worship more than critique =P, that's why I don't ask.. lalala =P

Don't need to ask me what are your flaws, you ought to know yourself better than anyone. You were asking me this question just to "ensure" yourself of the list you made? It doesn't mean anything for you to "ensure" without making efforts to "trounce" them. It doesn't change a bit by just knowing "them".. that's why I choose not to reply your sms, sorry. I hope you understand this.

GOD is fair, don't "ignore" your high merit while "searching' for your imperfections.

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