Sunday, April 19, 2009

Notice of removal

These 2 weeks gonna be busy with packing and throwing rubbish, moving over to our new office on 29th April, sienz!!

The new location is just so far away from the current place I'm staying now; Clementi - Senoko, argh!! Other than my transportation expenses are shooting up every month, most importantly, I gotta wake up very early in the morning to catch mrt and/or bus. Heard from my colleagues said, even there's a bus service, we still have to walk 10m from the bus stop to our new office. And, if not mistaken, we have to climb some stairs... hmm.. couldn't be there's no evelator "bah"..?

The place is "kinda" secluded, a manufacturing area.. with many factories around, I think we can save some money for our lunch and bring our own lunchbox!

Can slim down + saving some money, not bad huh? Hehe :P

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